Tsunami - from "The Dream Diaries"

03/05/2016 09:25

EMOTIONAL SHOCKS - Will the power of your body be able to absorb the emotional shocks that will descend on your body? Make the necessary decisions for your goals. drlwilson.com/articles/emotions_and_behavior.htm


Riding The Tsunami Wave

I was keeping an eye on her out on the beach

And then I noticed the wave coming

It took up the whole landscape

It lifted her up in it's arms

And she rode along it's top

I couldn't keep my eyes off of her

She seemed confident and determined


I realized I had to act fast

The wave was now approaching me

I spun around to run to the house

Should I go in the house, the basement, or the rainbarrel.

An Analyst Viewpoint: A shock is similiar to a current of electrical energy charging through or around you and perhaps it might leave a burn as it imprints the chemistry of the body or maybe it will bounce off leaving you just a bit dazed. Will a distortion of your minerals occur or not, that is the question. People who can handle traumas tend to have a more stable physical base that they can work from. Emotions change minerals and minerals change emotions. Anxieties can be addressed with Nutritional Balancing for a Hair Analysis will usually show a low, high or biounavailable calcium and magnesium along with low zinc, high copper and high toxic metals. If your body is biochemically balanced with proper diet, metabolism rate and lifestyle and your thinking is positive (no dwelling on fear, horror, grief or despair) you should be able to handle the stress without anxiety. Our nervous system requires many minerals/vitamins, fatty acids and amino acids. Keep yourself in shape for the next wave and have a personalized Hair Analysis done at the lab -also get yourself on a Nutrititional Balancing regime to build strength and resistance. The tsunami is a reminder to make the necessary decisions if you expect to accomplish your goals. It is a time of protection for yourself or your endeavor whether it is through healing, prayer, sacred shields or Nutritional Balancing.


For those who have a tendency towards panic attacks read Dr Wilson's article on how to reduce them. drlwilson.com/articles/ANXIETY.HTM