The Magnetic Chip - From "The Dream Diaries"

03/16/2016 07:55

THE BOWL PATTERN - This pattern is associated with being stuck, mentally and emotionally. The pattern is often related to nutritional imbalances which can be corrected in approx 3 to 6months. From the Hair Analysis chart, a graphic image or a pattern emerges and that is of a bowl.

This bowl is hard to climb out of and is associated with exhaustion,  chronic stress, often frustration, resentment, hostility and defensiveness. There are many different types of bowl patterns. The link below from Dr Wilson and Nutritional Balancing will provide more information.


The Magnetic Chip

Out on the grounds of a large property in a country setting

People were trying to pull something

The size of a thumbtack, resting in a box

Out of a boy

But it was hard to do

It seemed to have a magnetic grip on him


And if/when it comes out, it will immediately attach

To the person that pulled it out


A woman in an already weakened state

Now has the chip

When it shifts and moves to her eyebrow area

She can really feel the drain of energy that this chip pulls out of her


I decide we need to get her to a hospital.,,, quickly

Before she further weakens from the chip

An Analyst Viewpoint: Are you holding on to old patterns that are no longer beneficial? Break free of childhood or negative health situations that are hindering your growth and spiritual quest. Break free of your restraints and come into your own power. From the male energy was easier to remove the chip whereas with the female component there was more difficulty. Let your imagination be stirred toward new ideas, new travels, new dimensions, whether of the body, mind or spirit. Loosen your grip on the things or conditioning of the past that seem to be stuck in you  (are you stuck?) - leave them behind because there is a world of new wonders, new possibilities and greater energy that lays ahead and is possible. The call to the quest is being sounded and now is the time to head that call even though the journey ahead is not as easy as what may appear. There will be the opportunity to move on, but you may find that you need the powerful assistance that others can provide.


Partial Hair Analysis Chart - Sample Only