An Extension Added - from "The Dream Diary"

12/12/2015 14:10

HEARTBURN and STRESS"Heartburn or gastric reflux is one of the most common symptoms in doctor's offices. In almost all cases, it responds very well to a nutritional balancing program without a need for drugs. In fact, the use of drugs for this condition is very harmful for one's nutrition, as they all reduce acid in the stomach that is needed for proper digestion." Dr Wilson


An Extension Added

I was stopping for a bite to eat

Contemplating real estate to buy

Had another place to view

When a fish, duck and eagle passed by on high


My body stretched out to encompass the land

And followed a submerged fault line

Acid squirted to create a burn

Through halls and pipes of brine


An Analyst Viewpoint:

"Stress" can be considered a reaction and an adaption to a perceived threat and can motivate our actions and behavior. Some types of stress might be considered positive but others are destructive to our health and can cause either psychological problems or physical deterioration. The dream shows you looking for new real estate (ie a new body) as yours is getting ready to be stretched. You can see the overview from an eagle or hawk's perspective and then you go underwater to follow the fault line (from a duck or fish point of view.) The cause of the fault line is the acid that is squirting out. This was a warning of a situation that required wisdom and a better overview so you could make better decisions. It was a warning so you could overcome a stressful situation and rise above the problem. You had been doing so well on your Nutritional Balancing program but had slipped off the wagon and had some hot choclate with tons of whipping cream which didn't sit well with your newly formed sensitive body. The eagle/hawk's appearance always heralds a time of greater strength and vison so that you may remain strong in your endeavor of the Nutritional Balancing because applying needless stress to your own body will eventually over the long haul cause it to break down.

Nutritional Balancing is based on the Stress Theory of Disease (or General Adaptation Syndrome developed by Dr. Hans Selye.) Dr Selye believed that every living body has to adapt to stressors and that takes energy. Eventually the body's energy resource will be empty if a) the stress is not eliminated and/or b) the body's resource is not replenished. Exhaustion will then set in and eventually disease. Therefore all disease can be traced to a stressed and exhausted body. Chronic stress throws your autonomic nervous system out of balance and it rules every vital function in your body. When you are in a continual "fight or flight" state you cannot rest, nourish or regenerate yourself and this is what is happening to our diseased population. Your oxidation rate of how you adapt to stress, is like a burning bonfire and can be either too fast or too slow. Your Hair Mineral Analysis report will show your body's oxidation rate and it is the adrenal and thyroid glands that regulate this oxidation rate of the bonfire. Dr Eck, the founder of Nutritional Balancing discovered that rebalancing the oxidation rate keeps the energy levels going, with mineral levels in proper ration, while toxicity and debilitating symptoms fall by the wayside.