The Explosion - from "The Dream Diary"

01/12/2016 11:32

HEALING. Physical scars are attempts to heal. Emotional scars are experiences that have not been resolved. All experiences in life are meant to teach you something. A Nutritional Balancing regime along with access to the dream world, can help you resolve and overcome traumatic

events with clarity and stability. When you have an inner strength and have understood the lesson presented, then you are no longer are bound to the experience. If your mineral/vitamin pattern inside your body is not strong enough you may not be able to overcome the lesson as you are not emotionally stable and will find it hard to bounce back. If you rebalance your biochemistry with Nutritional Balancing you can cleanse emotional scars and build a strong foundation that will weather any storm that might come your way.


The Explosion and Redecorating The Two Twin Trailers


There was some terrorist activity going on

In a packed street with a village air

An explosion shook

For vibrations to escape

Riding the wave

In a landscape re-shaped


Then I received the call

To re-decorate

The Two Twin Trailers

With items purchased to replace

A new light on the table

Ensured all would be put in the right space

For the whole to shine as a showcase

An Analyst Viewpoint: Your dream speaks of an internal shakeup being reflected and mirrored back from an external shakeup that occured in your life.

The upheavel is affecting you on an internal level, although external circumstances provided you with a trigger. You are seeing more clearly your vulnerabilities which open up even more possibilities than you have ever considered. Acceptance of these powerful forces that have detected your weakest points helps you to dissipate their effects and clarify their intent. A re-decoration is now occuring in two trailers (which represents the two characters within ie, the inner male and inner female, and in the outside world it can also represent the two sides or two character parts in a project you are working on, or even a relationship you might be involved with). This dream is ultimately re-shaping your inner being significantly, along with your project and your relationship. Keep flexible so more truth is made available as you realize your dream.

If cadmium in a woman's hair analysis is showing too high the woman may look, act or talk tough. Hardness and toughness are considered masculine qualities and therefore cadmium could be classified as a "male mineral". Dr Eck, the founder of Nutritional Balancing called it the pseudo-masculine mineral because it is not really a strong, secure male mineral. It gives off the impression of a strong male presence but is actually weak and vulnerable underneath.

Cadmium affects the second sexual energy center to skew and derange it. Excess cadmium can harden the body and personality to give the appearance of a person who appears somewhat macho in appearance or attitude in regards to sex. Not that they are more sexual but perhaps they like to discuss it.

Over abundance of cadmium can be found in woman who are in the business world dominated by men and therefore they have toughened themselves up. The cadmium will hide their feminine side and as a result, they often feel unloved.  A woman with cadmium toxicity finds it difficult to be in a close monogamous relationship because they are not in touch with their true feminine nature. The cadmium in abundance can also be associated with many health problems.