Remote Viewing - from "The Dream Diary"

12/25/2015 14:44

REMOTE VIEWING. This is a skill that allows one to see another being or object and be able to give details concerning the object or person. It is a process of perceiving information. The main goal of Nutritional Balancing is in the development of a person. It is a process of unfolding your


Remote Viewing

Walking side the water, I turn

For an old aunt is running after me

We stop at the corner of a house

Under a bushy tree

She exclaims nervously

That I'm under investigation!


I call out, how can that be?

And wait and wait, for something to see...


Then a male comes saundering by

On my table he turns this way then that

His different views have a gentle sensitivity

And he begins to study up close with me


An Analyst Viewpoint: As you are on the Nutritional Balancing program building yourself up and cleaning yourself out, your spiritual vision and perceptions are heightening becoming more sharper, detailed and accurate. You are finding new creative ways of expressing perceptions as your vision and communication system is becoming more refined. In the dream you notice someone is checking you out and when you call out with your question of who it might be, eventually a man comes and lies on your table for inspection as he turns this way then that to satisfy your curiosity. Remote viewers don't usually bilocate to the site of their target, but in this case the viewer came to visit you for you to check him out. This appearance of remote viewwing in your dream might possibly indicate the beginning of a period of higher perceptions that you are developing. Ingo Swann a remote viewer, calls remote viewing a form of virtual reality travelling that is brought under conscious control.