A Shocking Breakthrough - from "The Dream Diary"

12/27/2015 10:49

POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER. While on a Nutritional Balancing program old issues (retracing) may arise as your body is being purified. Also the concept of a "Breakthrough Disorder" occurs when a level of brain functioning intrudes causing severe stress as a trauma breaks through to the conscious mind. From Breakthrough Disorders pg 442 - Nutritional Balancing and Hair Mineral Analysis. Dr L Wilson M.D



In The Shower

An old impotent boyfriend comes back in my life

We are showering together....the water is running

But there remain two other men in the house

I had been dancing with one of them

But had decided I was not interested in him

He had been turned on by me but is now jealous and angry

Because he has been replace

He places my daughter wrapped in a shawl

On top of the ledge of my shower stall


I quickly take her in my arms

Unravel the cloth and notice

Is her face pushed into her head

Have her eyes been taken out?


Shaking in horror, I wake up




An Analyst Viewpoint: You are on a Nutritional Balancing program and are in the process of releasing old blocks. A painful memory suddenly broke through in your dream and caused you to panic and have a nightmare. Your brain triggered up an old memory because you had been exposed to someone who reminded you of an earlier trauma in your life. According to Wikipedia - a phobia is an anxiety disorder usually defined as a persistaent fear of an object or situation that the person will go to great lengths to avoid. Your Hair Analysis pattern shows elevated toxic metals of lead and cadmium which can represent violence and is commonly seen in a "breakthrough disorder" where the mechanical 'computer hardware' affecting the memory and processor capability along with the 'animal brain' involved with stress/survival/adaptation gets involved.

The prelude to the dream: You were attracted to someone from another city on a relationship internet meeting site and corresponded a couple of times. You did the astrology and noticed sexual chemistry but also potential violence. The city in which this person lives reminds you of a past traumatic incident which occurred to you years earlier.

The past traumatic incident that was brought up: In real life there was a man in your washroom washing his hands, but he appeared to be having problems with the water faucet because he called out to you several times to come and help fix the issue, but you declined for you had seen into the washroom as he had left the door ajar. What you saw was shocking! Even though the man was washing his hands, he also appeared in the steamy shower at the same time. There was a woman in the shower with him and she was slowly sinking down.... and as she reached the bottom she dissolved....with blood running down the drain. Then, the man came out of the washroom and right up to you asking you to join him in the washroom to fix the tap. He started to move his arm, reaching out to you to come with him, but instead a knife emerged. The strange shower vision had alerted you as to what was in his mind, so you immediately pushed him back, turned and ran for your life.

In your dream you were showering with "an old impotent boyfriend" and felt safe. The other man who you danced with when he showed signs of physical arousal you became disinterested in him and eventually he came to show his true colours by delivering your daughter as a blind child wrapped up with a head abused. This was yourself. Can you retrace this trauma picture further back in your life?

Overview: The physiology of breakthrough disorders will often show some degree of instability or hypersensitivity of the nervous system and therefore may often occur in sensitive individuals with nutritional and other biochemical abnormalities playing their part.


A) Continue on the Nutritional Balancing program as brain enhancement is a central focus of nutritional balancing / use a downward direction of energy movement meditation (Roy Masters) from head to hand and down to feet / stay grounded / pay attention to dreams and/or flashes of insight. Nutritional Balancing will stabilize the nervous system and improve the general brain functions but it can be a slow correction that requires patience.

B) The "Voyagers" offers a Field Technique1 to release crystallized thought patterns from DNA and cellular memory. Asyayanna Deane feels this helps speed the process of clearing the "karmic imprint" from body cells. One takes control of the process so it does not take control of you. One directs mental energies to release the negative thought form crystallization.

1. call inner light 

2Breathe inner light as if it was radiating within like the sun, being light filled, move the light down into the thought form, fill up completly with it.      

3 lnner light guides sound patterns to shatter the energy structure of the thought form with an explosion. Focus upon the image of the sun causing the thoughtform to explode. Feel the explosion within your body as a burst of energy running through your cells especially where the dark area had been located.

4Visualize the photonic light particles running through your body and merging into your DNA. Hold the intention of the body being able to use this energy to accelerate your DNA building process.