Discernment of Knowledge

04/06/2016 05:43

PANIC ATTACKS. There are biochemical factors that will show up in a hair analysis that occur in all panic disorders. Copper imbalance for instance or low or biounavailable calcium and magnesium. And zinc being a calming nutrient if low can create emotional instability. Deficiencies of omega 3 essential fatty acids can make the nervous system unstable and lastly toxic metals is commonly present in panic attacks.



Discernment of Knowledge


I was at a university located behide store fronts

Attending lectures in different rooms

I was trying to find my way

Through so many rooms of learning

I seemed to have left some of my books behind somewhere

And was going to enquire at the main desk for the lost and found

When a man touched me from behind

I turned

He was in a cream suit

It was my father

The scalp on his head had turned white and spread to

An open hole and wound in his forehead

He had just been told he had a cancer

Another man interrupted and started talking to me

Directing me to the lost and found for my precious books

Immediatly I started to put caster oil on my father's forehead

To melt and disintegrate whatever might be growing underneath.



An Analyst Viewpoint: With all parts of the dream representing a part of you it is showing that you have an open wound in your forehead and the wound is also in your brain covering your head like a cradle cap. The dream told you the wound was cancerous which can hold the meaning of whatever is in the brain should not be allowed to grow anymore. Your lost books in the university of life signifies that you have lost your own wisdom, knowledge and opinions. You mentioned to me that you had been speaking with a psychic who had influenced you negatively just before you had this dream. The psychic had told you that you would be dying soon in a car accident and that he saw you on a stretcher going to the hospital. "Don't let someone else's opinion of you become your reality" Anthony Robbins.

Best to use discernment when interacting with others as it appears that the energies or vibrations of others can enter and lodge in your field or brain. Your psychic had also been ranting and raving for 15 minutes even before your reading about the need to get prepared for earth changes and he wondered why you were not all charged up asking questions on the matter. At the end of the reading you had asked him if there was something you needed to work on and he replied, "Spiritually you are in the light, but there is informational differences, you need to take in opinions with your eyes and ears open."

The day after the reading, your right knee became painful and it was difficult to walk. According to the book "Messages from The Body" by Michael Lincoln, knee problems = major change where beliefs are being blown out of the water by current developments and realities. There is a great deal of difficulty in accepting the direction it is all taking and the person is in a deep destiny conflict as their future becomes unclear. Everything is on the line and the response is to hunker down in the bunker as a self-protection and self-reassurance strategy because of basic beliefs violations. It would appear that you exhibited your knee behaviour as a resistance to the psychic's influence even through the head wound showed you had been open to listening to his ideas and knowledge but your dream showed that you needed to find your own knowledge and it would be found in the lost and found .