Iron Deficiency

03/30/2016 11:45

IRON - "Man is harder than iron, stronger than stone and more fragile than a rose." Turkish Proverb

Understanding and correcting iron deficiency: "In many case of iron deficiency anemia, as it is called, the cause is not really poor iron levels. It is copper toxicity, and or biounavailable iron... This is a most confusing aspect of "iron deficient anemia". In fact, many physicians prescribe iron to patients who do not need it, including most menstruating women who have copper toxicity and copper biounavailability causing their anemia. This wastes their time and leads to worsening iron overload problems in these young women." Dr Lawrence Wilson


Iron deficiency anemia does not necessarily mean that you have low levels of iron in your body - it is on account of other reasons. A hair analysis done by a lab that does not wash the hair will show what is really happening in your body. In all probability what will show will be the iron that you do have in your body is "Bio-unavailable" or there might be too much copper toxicity interfering. Copper can accumulate in the body and it will mask the presence of iron.

Biounavailable iron means that iron is in the body but cannot be put into use as it is unable to be utilized properly, because something else is inteferring. Biounavailability can cause your Hair Analysis profile to show your iron appearing low. It can also cause your blood tests for iron testing to also appear low, but in reality they might really be at normal or high levels. The reason for this odd acountablility is that your iron is getting messed around with in the body and therefore not able to be used or do its job properly. This biounavailable iron can then go on to affect your adrenal glands or your nervous system.

How to overcome the situation of iron deficiency anemia. Go on a Nutritional Balancing Regime personalized and made just for you according to your hair Analysis test from the labratory. This regime will get you back into balance and reduce the stress that the nervous system is under, It utilizes the use of the sauna, digestive assistance, certain foods, nutrients and supplementation while the oxidation rate, lifestyle and detoxification processes will increase the efficiency of energy production. The end result is you come back into balance again with everything working as it should.

Adrenal insufficiency is a major cause of copper toxicity and the inability to utilize the copper properly can go on to disrupt iron.