In Harmony from "The Dream Diaries

02/10/2016 12:07

HAIR RETEST - Nutritional balancing is a sophisticated, integrated system for healing the body at a very deep level. It uses a sample of your hair to determine what needs to be addressed and balanced within your body. When the whole body system becomes balanced and strengthened most disease will disappear on their own. the system depends upon proper diet and lifestyle. Hair testing is a mineral biopsy of the body and can be done every 3 to 6 months or so to monitor progress and to change the nutritional balancing program in order to keep the body chemistry properly balanced as it heals.


In Harmony

Everything felt so in harmony

Walking hand in hand with my man and child

All bathing in the sunlight of flowing love

Then to shop

Trying on cut cloth - stipes

Of handpainted beautiful designs

Laid across me on the diagonal

It fit me to a T

Was I in paradise I wondered

Everything seems so perfect?


An Analyst Viewpoint: Your dreams appear to be telling you parts of your life and body are now in balance. Perhaps it is time for another Hair Analysis to see what stage you are at now? "Hair Analysis is not just another test. It is a measure of the radiance of the body, and of the brain, in particular....The mineral deposition in the hair tissue reflects the vitality of a human being"