Going Fishing - from "The Dream Diaries

01/02/2016 10:36

THE SPIRIT MOLECULE. Mental and spiritual development is a process in which certain centers develop in the brain develop and become more active because some of the glial cells in the brain shrink and the space becomes filled with more neurons that enhances brain activity and capacity along with pineal development...


"The secretory activity of the pineal gland is only partially understood. Its location deep in the brain suggests to philosophers through history that it possesses particular importance. This combination led to its being regarded as a "mystery" gland with mystical, metaphysical and occult theories surrounding its perceived functions." Rick Straussman has theorised that the pineal gland is capable of producing DMT, calling it "The Spirit Molecule"... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pineal_gland


The Spirit Molecule - Going Fishing

My client squirmed and felt uncomfortable

We were both surprised and perplexed

To see mother from a bedroom awaken

From her dead sleep

Marching off in front of us

To go fishing for new clients, matter-of-factly with no fuss

An Analyst Viewpoint: Your mother has made an appearance in your dream. She has come alive from the spirit world and walks in to your world and out the bedroom after having been in a deep sleep. She appears to be giving advice and setting an example for you by her matter of fact demonstration of going fishing for new clients. As you are following this Nutritional Balancing program it is opening up a particular method of spiritual development for you via your dreams. It is a safe and effective way to open your vision and your mind by providing you with insights.