
02/28/2016 08:36

CALCIUM -  "A healthy outside starts from the inside"  Robert Urich

Calcium  holds an important role in our biological process and needs to be kept in solution and in balance.  There are many reason why it goes out of balance, for example stress is one.  When the body is under extreme stress (whether it is through sports or work etc) the body can find itself in a "fight-or flight" response and when this happens it releases calcium either out of the body or into the tissues. When it goes into the tissues it can become similar to calcium stones or deposits on faucet taps or the build up of a scaled crust on the bottom of a kettle which clogs everything up. Calcium deposts can be laid down in so many places in your body including your arteries. It is not only high stress that can cause this to happen, it can also occur with too much sugar, soy, high grains, tea, spinach, cranberries and rhubarb. Calcum out of balance can also occur with low stomach acid, a low protein diet, too much fluoride, smoke and more. A hair analysis will show you what is happening with your calcium.


Never attempt to correct a calcium imbalance in isolation - why? - because all the macrominerals are tied together and what affects one affects all.

It is the team of sodium and potassium that will keep the minerals in the body solvent and flowing as if in a river. In order for calcium to move about properly in this river it needs to partner up with magnesium. And the magnesium status also needs to be correct before the calcium feels safe and happy. Both calcium and magnesium need to work in just the right balance together. (Too much calcium makes kidney stones, abdominal pain, depression, heart rhythm disturbances. Too little calcium makes eating disorders, muscle spasms, heart rhythms. Too little magnesium makes alcoholism, malnutrition, diarrhea, cramps, muscle weaknes, confusion. Too much magnesium can occur when the calcium is too low or the potassium is too high and can create heart rhythm problems, nausea, vomiting, breathing difficulties, diabetic ketoacidosis, adrenal and thyroid problems...)


And, if sodium and potassium are too low in the tissues (often because the adrenal stress glands are exhausted)  then calcium and magnesium will climb out of the river (blood) and form hard rock-like deposits all over the body including the arteries. To correct this problem the adrenal gland activity needs to be restored which then balances the sodium and potassium levels, and in turn the abnormal calcification problem can be then be reabsorbed by the body. When calcium and magnesium are not being utilized properly, it is call "bio-unavailable" and it is at that is when they start to make their deposits. Also, too much calcium hardens the cell walls and decreases its permeability which can create hormones imbalance, nutrient deficiencies and detoxification problems.

A hair analysis will show exactly how your sodium and potassium are doing, along with your calcium and magnesium and more. A proper nutritional balancing program is tailor made for you to come back into balance.


All information in this article is for information purposes only.