Beethoven's Hair

02/18/2016 17:03

A genius with lead in his blood and bones. In hair analysis, if there is an overdose of lead, it will often show the tendency to replace calcium (even magnesium and zinc) which are sedative elements - meaning that the brain can then become lacking in calming minerals.

Ludwig van Beethoven

This famous German composer was taught by his father at a very young age and by his late 20s his hearing had really deteriorated ao that eventually in later years he was almost totally deaf. Because of the hearing loss he made conversation books where his friends could write in it and that helped him know what they were saying so then he would respond either orally or in the book. Beethoven taught piano and fell in love with Josephine, a daughter of a Hungarian Countess and even though she married someone else Beethoven would still be a regular visitor at the house and continued to teach her piano. When Josephine's husband died her relationship with Beethoven intensified.

Beethoven's personality carried an overbearing manner so it was appropriate that at his moment of dealth there was a peal of thunder that sounded during a thunder storm. His autopsy revealed liver damage which may have been due to alcohol consumption and there was considerable dilation of the auditory and other related nerves. After death a lock of his hair was saved and hair analysis showed excessive doses of lead. Lead can be found in coal smoke, exhaust fumes, land fill, fertilizers, old lead and metal water pipes. Heavy metals prevent the absorption of nutritional elements that one needs.

Beethoven is acknowledged as one of the giants of classical music. He is known for his expressive, passionate dynamics of life energy that he introduced even though he was apparently tormented and indecisive about every note for it didn't come easily to him.


Quote: "the dominating motto and the rhythm and harmonic compression created the force behind the movement which unleashes a tragic power in the symphonic domain that audiences had not know before"   Lewis Lockwood

Quote: "the human breast squeezed by monstrous presentments and destructive powers, seems to gasp for breath, soon a kindly figure appraoches full of radiance, and illuminates the depths of terrifying night"   ETA Hoffman.


Analysis Viewpoint: Here is a brief overview of what this man was working with in his music and life. Beethoven worked with the shadow of turbulence in his periods of his dark night of the soul. It was through his suffering and longings for a perfect loving relationship that his music acted as a therapy and he began to evolve. He grappled with the challenges of his sexuality and emotions by embracing the pain and trusting in his strength. The higher he raised his frequency the clearer and more profound his music became. He might have asked "why must I suffer?", and a voice might have come back to say...."life is full of flavour notes and that pleasure and pain always come together, embrace your compassion."

His internal issues were reflected back as a therapy in his music ie:

-From conflict to diplomacy (and the dropping of defences) into peace.

-Rising from obscurity to idealism and then up into the light and in so doing changed the world.

-From his shadow of dominance to synergy to communion as one consciousness



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