Becoming One Mind - from "The Dream Diary"

01/27/2016 09:02

ONE MIND -     Nutritional Balancing is a complete healing appraoch that focuses on healing the body to a former state of health through a multi-layered process that includes meditation. A meditation observation exercise or a pushing exercise will assist in clearing the mind of clutter into wholeness.

Mind on Fire

My mind was going in all directions

Like a horse without a harnass

A monkey mind of mumble jumble

That I could not put to rest.



An Analyst Viewpoint: During your dream you had a thousand a one things going on all in different directions and it became very confusing. You were trying to lasoo them in. As you awakened from the chaos you realized the dream was trying to get accross a point and you began your pushing meditaton to release your monkey mind. This process helps the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body. There can be an unfoldment of super human abilities when the brain becomes whole and fully developed as a snake like movement will then flow easily through the body and chakras to reach the temple of the brain. Most humans have lost all respect for their bodies as divine beings and are operating unconsciously. There appears to be no real source of love for themselves or each other to even want to develop their full potential, which requires discipline and will. Empty the mind so that you might receive something new. This meditation will help to train your mind on the singularity. For more information on improving your mind and body contact The Hair Analyst on the contact page.