
05/20/2016 09:55

ARTHRITiS - "The joint lubrication was not what it was when I was competing, and I decided that not having arthritis or rheumatism for the rest of my life was a lot more important to me than returning to the track. " Edwin Moses

Arthritis means inflammed joints which create pain. There are 5 different types and 4 different possible causes. The possible causes include mechanical biochemical, biological or psychological.

For instance:

Mechanical includes accident/injuries, spinal misalignments or subluxations, mechanical stress

Biochemical involves nutrient deficiencies, toxic metals, generalized inflammation, catabolic state

Biological hold that bacteria/parasites/viruses create damage

Psychological believes the thinking plays an important part


A personalized Hair Analysis report commonly shows the biochemical causes being a) elevated calcium (biounavailable calcium) deposited in the joints

copper imbalance, an elevated sodium/potassim ratio, low adrenal and/or thyroid activity, fast oxidation rate, excessive tissue breakdown,

elevated hair iron, manganese, lead or other toxic metals, fatigue, sympathetic dominance pattern, a calcium/magnesium ration imbalance, poor eliminator pattern, low zinc or high cadmium and/or an over acidic condition of the body,


Correct your joint problems with a personalized Nutritional Balancing diet. Order your Hair Analysis to find out what is happening in your body in regards to arthritis.